April 18, 2024

We are trained to express gratitude to people whenever they show us kindness, like giving us a present or making a kind gesture. So today, Practice Gratitude & Try the 7 Day Challenge.

Practice Gratitude & Try the 7 Day Challenge

The practice of gratitude is ingrained in us as a natural social norm. However, how often do we express thankfulness for the modest pleasures that we experience on a regular basis?

What does it mean to be grateful, and do we fully comprehend what it means?

How frequently do we say "thank you" without actually feeling grateful for the person in question?

A conscious and good emotion, gratitude is exhibited when we are thankful for anything, whether it be something tangible or something immaterial.

It is not enough to simply be polite in order to demonstrate gratitude.

Recognising the gestures that other people make towards us or the positive aspects of our lives is a skill that is known as expression recognition.

The process of recognising the positive and the fruition of that recognition are both included in it.

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When it comes to one's mental health and personal development, gratitude is really necessary.

There is a correlation between regular displays of appreciation and enhanced happiness, as well as reports of increased life satisfaction, feeling of meaning, and increased productivity.

Practice Gratitude & Try the 7 Day Challenge

Dopamine, a hormone that is released in the brain and is responsible for making you feel happy, is released in the brain whenever someone expresses or gets thanks or appreciation.

The substantia nigra and the ventral tegmental area are the two regions of the brain that are responsible for the production of dopamine.

The first one is concerned with physical movement and verbal expression, whereas the second one is focused with the reward.

A person's expression of appreciation or receipt of gratitude triggers the release of dopamine, which establishes a connection between the behaviour and a positive emotional state.

When an individual shows appreciation more frequently, more dopamine is released into the brain.

Gratitude is a powerful emotion that, when expressed on a regular basis, has numerous positive consequences. 

Practice Gratitude & Try the 7 Day Challenge

These include

  • increased happiness
  • a positive mood
  • increased satisfaction with life
  • decreased materialistic tendencies
  • decreased likelihood of experiencing burnout
  • improved physical health
  • improved sleep
  • decreased fatigue
  • decreased levels of cellular inflammation
  • increased resilience
  • and the encouragement of the development of patience, humility, and wisdom.

The act of expressing thankfulness is a straightforward, speedy, and low-cost daily intervention that can assist you in achieving your wellbeing, exercise, and nutrition objectives.

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Follow these three daily challenges to participate in this seven-day gratitude challenge.

The process is straightforward, jot down three positive things that occurred during your day, whether they were big or small. 

For example, you could have achieved a personal best in the deadlift, discovered a new tasty breakfast recipe, or discovered the delight of spending time with the person who makes you laugh.

7 Day Gratitude Challenge Journal:

NOTE: If you are keeping a journal, you should first write down the question, and then you note your response in the journal.

Day 1 - Gratitude Challenge

  • One good thing that happened to me today...
  • Something good that I saw someone do...
  • Today I had fun when...

Day 2 - Gratitude Challenge

  • Something I accomplished today...
  • Something funny that happened today...
  • Someone I was thankful for today...

Day 3 - Gratitude Challenge

  • Something I was thankful for today...
  • Today I smiled when...
  • Something about today I'll always want to remember...

Day 4 - Gratitude Challenge

  • One good thing that happened to me today...
  • Today was special because...
  • Today I was proud of myself because...

Day 5 - Gratitude Challenge

  • Something interesting that happened today...
  • Someone I was thankful for today...
  • Today I had fun when...

Day 6 - Gratitude Challenge

  • Something about today I'll always want to remember...
  • Something funny that happened today...
  • My favourite part of today...

Day 7 - Gratitude Challenge

  • Something I was happy about today...
  • Something good I saw someone do today...
  • Something I did well today...

After you have finished this activity for a week, you should make an effort to continue without the assistance of any prompts.

Sources & Additional Reading

Mills PJ, Redwine L, Wilson K, Pung MA, Chinh K, Greenberg BH, Lunde O, Maisel A, Raisinghani A, Wood A, Chopra D. The Role of Gratitude in Spiritual Well-being in Asymptomatic Heart Failure Patients.Spiritual Clin Pract (Wash D C ). 2015 Mar;2(1):5-17. doi: 10.1037/scp0000050. PMID: 26203459; PMCID: PMC4507265.

Carter, R. (2009). The human brain book

Seligman ME, Steen TA, Park N, Peterson C. Positive psychology progress: empirical validation of interventions. Am Psychol. 2005 Jul-Aug;60(5):410-21. doi: 10.1037/0003-066X.60.5.410. PMID: 16045394.

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About the author 

Sheree King

Sheree, a Registered Nurse, Master Trainer, C.H.E.K. (Corrective High-Performance Exercise & Kinesiology) certified functional exercise specialist & PN (Precision Nutrition) certified nutrition specialist, is passionate about empowering women all over the world to become their best selves. She brings decades of experience and expertise in training women, and together with big dreams and a big vision has created a unique fitness programs to transform everyday lives to empowered success.

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